#SMASHED is an event founded on the goal of encouraging women to push past their fear and embrace the reality that early detection for breast cancer can save a life.

As the proud founders of #Smashed at the Village, our commitment extends beyond the real estate market to touch the lives of those around us in meaningful ways. This fundraising event, which holds a special place in our hearts, is more than just a gathering; it's a beacon of hope and support in the fight against breast cancer. Our primary aim is to promote early breast cancer screenings, a crucial step in battling this disease. By organizing #Smashed at the Village, we not only raise awareness about the importance of early detection but also gather vital funds to provide these essential screenings for uninsured and underinsured individuals. This initiative reflects our dedication not just to our clients but to the broader community, underscoring our belief that real estate is a platform for positive change and community well-being.

At #SMASHED, Amber’s hope is to raise enough money to fund at least 100 mammograms for under-insured or uninsured individuals, raise awareness, and provide resources.